- 我也分享了小屋的浴室。
- I also shared the cottage bathroom .
- 一个表示是卫生间的区域有青铜洗脸盆和石制马桶。
- An area indicates a bathroom with bronze washing basins and a stone toilet .
- 如果卫生间有人,他们会等你出来再打扫。
- If the bathroom 's in use they wait for you to exit .
- 加缪的母亲沉默寡言、目不识丁,她和家人共同抚养两个儿子,住在阿尔及利亚的一套小公寓里,没有厕所也没有自来水。
- His mute and illiterate mother , and her extended family , raised her two sons in a small flat in algiers with neither a lavatory nor running water .
- 然后他下楼去盥洗室洗手,外套跟男人帽子也挂在那。
- Then he went to wash his hands in the downstairs lavatory , where coats and the man 's hats and a cap hung on hooks .
- 即使这意味着参观者不得不把酒倒进机场的厕所。
- Even if it means that the visitor has to leave the bottles behind in an airport lavatory .
- 他是写在厕所墙壁上的笑话?
- Is it jokes scribbled on the washroom wall ?
- 在每节卧铺车厢里至少有两个西式厕所和一个带脸盆的洗手间。
- Each sleeping-car has at least two western-style toilets and a washroom with sinks .
- 打扰一下,洗手间在哪里?我承认,我梦过多次这样的场景。
- Excuse me , where 's the washroom ? I 'll admit I have this dream a lot .
- 随时准备冲进厕所吧。
- Prepare to hit the restroom .
- 她把接收者藏在一块肥皂里打碎洗手间的窗户并将肥皂仍到一辆驶过的卡车的顶部。
- She imbeds the receiver in a bar of soap , breaks a restroom window and throws the soap onto the roof of a passing truck .
- 她俩在学校里徘徊,然后找到一个公共厕所。
- They shuttle between schools , and then find a public restroom in a park .