- 最终的印象是好坏参半的。
- The final impression is mixed .
- 这个印象是文化遗产吗?
- Is that impression a cultural heritage ?
- 人们的感觉是,卡梅伦阻碍了对欧元区的纾困。
- The impression is that mr cameron has hindered a euro rescue .
- 绣花床单会在你身上印上信息。
- Embroidered bed sheets will imprint a message on your body .
- 彭罗斯认为更重要的是“前大爆炸”留下的痕迹可以在在目前所知的“大爆炸”上被侦测到并加以分析,而且已被他以及来自亚美尼亚的另一位同事所发现。
- More importantly , he thinks that the pre-big bang past has left an imprint on the present that can be detected and analysed , and that he and a colleague in armenia have found it .
- 经典之书能带来特别的影响,无论是它们深深铭刻在我们想象之中难以忘却,还是隐隐藏匿于层层记忆之下伪装成个人或集体的无意识。
- The classics are books which exercise a particular influence , both when they imprint themselves on our imagination as unforgettable , and when they hide in the layers of memory disguised as the individual 's or the collective unconscious .