- 监考老师面带怒色,过来问其原因,原来一不小心她的鞋跑到人家坐墩下去了。
- Invigilate teacher face takes an angry look , come over to ask its the reason , do not take care so her shoe runs to the family to sit mound went down .
- 后来他想,我是中堂大人的亲戚,把这关系写上,监考官敢不录取!
- He thinks later , I am the kin that central scroll yours excellency , keep this relationship on , invigilate official dare be not admitted !
- 能否指派教学助理去监考?
- Can we assign a teaching assistant to invigilate the quiz ?
- 依照规定权限处理本地区考试报名、监考中出现的问题;遇有重大问题时,应当及时请示报告。
- Handling problems arise from test application and invigilation in their respective region according to stipulated limits of authority , asking for instruction and reporting in time when dealing with questions of importance .
- 依照规定权限处理监考中出现的问题;遇有重大问题的,应当及时请示报告。
- Handling problems arise from invigilation according to stipulated limits of authority , asking for instruction and reporting in time when dealing with questions of importance .
- 甘肃2009年干警选拔考试请小学生监考引争议。
- Police officers in gansu in 2009 examinations please select pupils invigilation yin zhengyi .
- 在这个决定以前,曾有一次由宝洁公司资助的试点计划,在27所伦敦小学中安排了50名教师。
- The decision follows a pilot , funded by proctor & gamble , which saw 50 teachers placed in 27 london primaries .
- 福克先生和普洛克托上校每人各带两把六轮手枪,走进了车厢。
- Mr fogg and colonel proctor , each provided with two six-barrelled revolvers , entered the car .
- 雷德菲尔德普罗科特参议员行事稳健,也颇有影响力。
- Another moderate , senator redfield proctor , was perhaps as influential .