- 大人需要监督孩子在厨房的安全!
- Kids need adult supervision in the kitchen !
- 加强对已核准项目的监督检查。
- Enhancing supervision and inspection of approved projects .
- 非银行机构可以逃避美联储的监管。
- Nonbanks could avoid federal supervision .
- 其中包括印度央行对印度银行海外机构的自主性监管。
- This includes its willingness to supervise the foreign subsidiaries of indian banks .
- 埃及独裁者的退位留下军队来监管不确定的政权过渡。
- The egyptian autocrat 's resignation left the army to supervise an uncertain transition .
- 并且就谁来监管一类金融控股公司这一议题还没有达成共识。
- There is no consensus on who should supervise the largest financial firms .
- 心率监测是一门有缺陷的科学。
- Heart rate monitoring is a flawed science .
- 1979年开始进行卫星监测。
- Satellite monitoring started in 1979 .
- 从太空中监视地球上的温室气体状况就是一例。
- That is the idea behind monitoring greenhouse gases from space .