- 囚犯的岁数平均下来是50岁。
- The average prisoner is 50 .
- 这名囚犯后来被释放。
- The prisoner is subsequently freed .
- 事实上,公共品危机是一种多角色的囚徒困境。
- In fact , the tragedy of the commons is a multiplayer prisoner 's dilemma .
- 迈克尔还有他的朋友则暗中监视着船上一个被缚住的囚犯,传言称他在锡兰杀了一个英国法官。
- Michael and his friends spy on board a manacled convict , rumoured to have killed an english judge in ceylon .
- 华盛顿一家监狱的一名犯人越狱,几天后他女朋友上庭受审,他陪着一起去了。
- A convict broke out of jail in washington dc , then a few days later accompanied his girlfriend to her trial for robbery .
- 其他各州紧随纽约州之后,对非暴力毒品犯罪处以长期监禁,并且否认法官在判决时,没有考虑酌情减轻情节,或者任何确实不属于囚犯犯罪历史和毒品数量的情节的权力。
- Other states followed new york 's lead . They imposed long sentences for non-violent drug crimes and they denied judges the power to consider extenuating circumstances , or indeed anything other than the convict 's criminal history and the amount of drugs , when sentencing .