- 最终俄罗斯士兵到达的时候,只找到几个骨瘦嶙峋的幸存者。
- Eventually , russian soldiers arrive to find a few emaciated survivors .
- 门边站着一个混血女人,显然是家中的女佣,她神态怯懦,脸色憔悴,流露出哀伤的心情和柔和的性格。
- Near the door stood a mulatto woman evidently a servant in the house with a timid bearing and an emaciated face pitifully sad and gentle .
- 在另一个令人发寒的场景里,一个失落、面容憔悴的女人在为她的动物寻找草料。
- In another chilling scene , a dejected and apparently emaciated woman is seen scavenging for grass to feed her animals .