- 美艳早妃,双弹齐发。
- The early imperial concubine beautiful and alluring is flicked pair volleying .
- 于是一位倡家之女,一跃而贵为夫人,在历史上留下了她传奇般的名子和事迹。
- That was how the daughter of a humble musician leaped onto the seat of the imperial concubine and left her name and story in history .
- 恶作剧在外面叫道:粉红娘娘,哎呀哎呀!
- The mischief raves outside : pink empress or imperial concubine of the first rank , alas alas !
- 莉亚公主会成为正式的迪斯尼公主吗?
- Will princess leia become an official disney princess ?
- 恭喜你战斗公主,我也是这样呀.真的?
- Congratulations warrior princess , so did i. really ?
- 但是,她并没有走完她的幸福的公主之路。
- But she may not have been a happy princess towards the end .