- 心理学研究员亚丝明.亚吉莫里和贝德福德大学盖尔.欣曼教授在2008年进行一个类似的小范围调查。
- Psychology researcher yasmine yaghmour carried out a similar but smaller study with professor gail kinman at the university of bedford in 2008 .
- 贝德福德1967年1月12日去世,享年73岁,但他是世界上第一个通过冷冻来保存遗体,寄希望于未来复苏术的人。
- Bedford , who died on jan. 12 , 1967 at the age of 73 , was the first person to be cryonically preserved with the intent of future resuscitation .
- 如果一名叫詹姆斯贝德福德的心理学教授某天突然出现的话,不要奇怪为什么他的腮帮子有些发青。
- If dr. james bedford does turn up again someday , don 't be surprised if he looks a little green around the gills .