- 通过小鼠二甲苯性耳肿胀,大鼠蛋清性、脚叉菜胶性足跖肿,巴豆油气囊肿以及毛细血管通透性实验,对骨痛灵软膏的抗炎作用进行观察。
- Anti-inflammatory effect of gutongling ointment was carried through inflammatory models of auris swell induced by dimethylbenzene in mice , of foot swell induced by egg white and carageen glue in rats , of gasbag swell induced by croton oil in rats and penetration of capillary vessel .
- 通过小鼠二甲苯性耳肿胀,大鼠蛋清性、脚叉菜胶性足跖肿,巴豆油气囊肿以及毛细血管通透性实验,对骨痛灵软膏的抗炎作用进行观察。
- Anti-inflammatory effect of gutongling ointment was carried through inflammatory models of auris swell induced by dimethylbenzene in mice , of foot swell induced by egg white and carageen glue in rats , of gasbag swell induced by croton oil in rats and penetration of capillary vessel .
- 同样,藤壶胶也很特别。
- Barnacle glue is equally special .
- 要把胶水放在手边。
- Keep a glue stick handy .
- 然而普通的胶水是达不到此要求的。
- Yet a simple glue would not be enough .
- 乳胶避孕套在垃圾填埋场需要数年才能生物降解,聚氨酯和聚异戊二烯避孕套可能永远也不会分解。
- Latex condoms take years to biodegrade in landfills and polyurethane and polyisoprene condoms may never decompose .
- 你甚至可以使用乳胶手套护住手。
- You can even use latex gloves to cover your hands .
- 说艾滋病毒可以穿过乳胶避孕套没有任何根据。
- Claims that latex condoms allow hiv to pass through are unfounded .