- 这时正在湖边玩耍的小狐狸听到小白兔的喊声,也以为“咕咚”是个很厉害的怪物,也跟着小白兔屁股后头跑起来。
- By now the bund was playing the small fox heard the small white rabbit 's shout , also thought " thump " was a very fierce monster , also was running with the small white rabbit buttocks behind .
- 奥巴马的资深密友、白宫高级助理瓦莱丽加瑞特(valeriejarrett)现身cnn,表示政府在应对福克斯新闻时的讲话是在“向权贵进言”这表明了一种竞选活动还在继续的心态。
- Appearing on cnn , valerie jarrett , a long-time close confidante of mr obama and a senior white house aide , stated that in taking on fox news the administration was speaking " truth to power " an indication of the mindset that the election campaign is still on .
- 这样做的大部分都是无害的:例如,一个粗心的主人将自己的棕色宠物误认作狐狸而开枪射死它后,西部高地猎犬被养育成白色毛发。
- Much of it is harmless : west highland terriers , for instance , were bred to have white coats after a careless owner shot his brown pet by mistake for a fox .