- 专业的咖啡牙漂白能即刻让你的牙齿恢复耀眼的白色。
- Professional in-office teeth whitening can instantly restore a dazzling white to your smile .
- 专业的咖啡牙漂白能即刻让你的牙齿恢复耀眼的白色。
- Professional in-office teeth whitening can instantly restore a dazzling white to your smile .
- 在炫目的白色条形灯之下,一整条生产线的柬埔寨年轻人正热火朝天地缝纫、熨烫和折叠衣物,朝着当日生产820套儿童睡衣裤的指标前进。
- Under dazzling white strip-lights a production line of young cambodians stitch , iron and fold their way to the day 's target of 820 two-piece children 's pyjamas .