- 利默里克郡得名于1400多年前,根据帕特瑞克乔伊斯著的《爱尔兰地名起源和历史》和爱德瑞恩鲁姆所著的《世界地名》中记录,这个名字意为“一片赤裸的土地”。
- The place limerick itself is said to have had this or a similar name for more than 1400 years and according to both patrick joyce in the origin and history of irish names of places and adrian room in placenames of the world the meaning of the name is " a bare piece of land . "
- 速冻水饺食品标准明年推出,裸露地面销售禁令。
- Quick-frozen dumpling food standards introduced next year , the prohibition of bare land sales .