- 怀特太太现在发怒了。
- Mrs white was angry now .
- 结婚是白人的专利吗?
- Is marriage for white people ?
- 怀特太太又叫了起来。
- Mrs white cried a gain .
- 创建一个新的空白图层。
- Create a new blank layer .
- 它那些闪耀的表面空白又真实。
- Its glittering surfaces are blank and true .
- 每当我试图把以上内容解释给广告客户听得时候他们总是一脸茫然的看着我。
- Advertisers often look at me with a blank expression when I try to explain this .
- 不过除了纯粹的人力因素,还有哪些内容是人们愿意分享的?
- But beyond pure manpower , what kind of content do people want to share ?
- 此次入侵花旗系统的黑客显然是纯罪犯,看中的是经济利益。
- The citi hackers are apparently pure criminals , motivated by financial gain .
- 这些挑衅行为不能被视为单纯的虚张声势。
- These provocations cannot be discounted as pure bluff .