- 现在他们每天都来机场保龄球馆。
- They come to airport bowl every day now .
- 我们怎么会走到这一步?
- How could we have come to this ?
- 现代医学虽曾一度对情绪与生理健康之间的关系持怀疑态度,如今已对精神和身体之间的紧密联系达成认可。
- Modern medicine which once treated the connection between emotions and physical health with skepticism has come to appreciate the closely linked relationship of mind and body .
- 不管是什么原因,紧张程度正开始上升。
- Whatever the reason , the tension is beginning to mount .
- 他们的损失日渐增加,农作物的价格也就随着上涨。
- As their losses mount , crop prices have risen .
- 与此同时,北约希望保护的利比亚人民所付出的代价正在上升。
- Meanwhile , the costs to the libyan people nato seeks to protect mount .