- 外阴瘙痒,现在搓烂了,有没有最快速的方法可以止痒。
- The pruritus , rubs a vulva now have rotted , if has the most speedy method being able to relieve itching .
- 在美国缅因州,波特兰市法律规定,禁止把女孩儿按在下巴下面用鸡毛掸胳肢。
- In portland maine it 's illegal to tickle a girl under the chin with a feather duster .
- 如果它还不能激起你饮酒的欲望,那么hellokitty红酒呢?
- If that doesn 't tickle your drinking fancy , how about hello kitty wine ?
- 时常给你的伴侣一个出乎意料的拥抱、一个浪漫至极的热吻,或是淘气的挠痒痒。
- Give your mate an unexpected hug , a surprisingly romantic kiss , or a teasing tickle often .
- 嘴、喉咙和耳朵里有痒的感觉
- An itchy sensation inside the mouth , throat or ears
- 如果它使人发痒,或是它没有保持料想中的样子,它也不得不被拿走。
- If it 's itchy or it doesn 't stay where it 's supposed to , it has to go .
- 最难受的事情发生在15分钟之后,当我双腿回复到正常体温后,从内里发出难忍的痉挛,而全身有一种钝痒的感觉。
- The most unpleasant part comes after 15 minutes , when my legs , returning to normal body temperature , have an unpleasantly warm cramp radiating from within and a dull , itchy feeling all over .