- 王说她已经接到了几百个电话和几千封电子邮件,最多的是诽谤她,但有些表示支持。
- Wang says she has gotten hundreds of phone calls and thousands of e-mails , most vilifying her but some that are supportive .
- 感照片的镜头意识大胆,因而遭投诉,而变态摄影师角色亦被指有丑化摄影师行业之嫌。
- The drama a sense of awareness of the photo lens bold , and therefore subject of the complaint , and the role of perverted photographer photographer has been accused of vilifying the industry suspected .
- 多年来,称赞谷歌是开源的一个朋友而批评微软跟自由软件保持距离是件极其容易的事。
- For years , it 's been easy to praise google for being a friend to open source , while vilifying microsoft for keeping its distance from free software .