- 赤脚在田里追蜻蜓追到累了。
- Barefooted in the fields chasing after dragonflies until tired out .
- 总算来到红虾旅店,大家都快累死了。
- All tired out , they reached the red crawfish inn .
- 支持分配特别提款权的人士,可能会面临一些令人厌倦的过时的论调。
- Backers of an sdr allocation are likely to face some tired , out-of-date arguments .
- 我突然感到精疲力竭,脸部肌肉随着我的微笑疼痛起来。
- I 'm suddenly exhausted ; the muscles of my face ache with smiling .
- 跑完一次马拉松后瘫倒在地,筋疲力尽却热爱人生。
- Collapsing after finishing a marathon , exhausted but in love with life .
- 当时我总是筋疲力尽,有段时间还觉得做什么都没有希望。
- I was always exhausted , and some days it all felt hopeless .