- 他们让疲倦而没有生气的球员恢复活力。
- They rejuvenate tired and stale employees .
- 如果你觉得疲倦这就是个问题了。
- The trouble is if you are tired .
- 沃尔什探长觉得又累又饿。
- Inspector walsh felt tired and hungry .
- 社会科学家和疲惫的工薪阶层长期以来都在关注这个问题。
- The question has long preoccupied social scientists and weary wage slaves alike .
- 利比亚的卡扎菲没有前途,只要他的雇佣兵感到厌烦,他也就该倒台了。
- As for libya gaddafi has no future . The day his mercenaries grow weary he will fall .
- 我略过这个岛上很多奇怪的事情,免得我让你厌烦。
- I pass over many other things peculiar to this island , lest I should weary you .
- 它有助于防止用户在浏览网站时变得疲惫,它可以在内容中划出距离,而且它本身也看上去不错。
- It helps prevent a user from becoming fatigued while looking at a site , it allows separation between content , and it just looks good .
- 建议:如果你经常感觉疲劳而睡觉时鼾声很大,去询问的你的医生你是否是患有睡眠暂停症。
- Protect yourself : if you 're a loud snorer who feels constantly fatigued , ask your doctor if you should be tested for apnea .
- 在排卵后的第一天,6.8%的女人之后怀孕并且报告她们觉得很疲惫。
- On the first day after ovulation , 6.8 % of women who later turned out to be pregnant reported feeling fatigued .
- 一位娇艳的少妇,手里拿一把玉坠羽扇,慢慢走过来。
- A gorgeous woman taking a jade pendant feather fan , was coming over slowly .
- 街边有供应商卖各种东西,劳力士表、t恤衫、丝巾和翡翠应有尽有。
- The street is lined with vendors selling everything from " real fake " rolex watches to t-shirts , silk scarves and jade .
- 原来的商贸路线上重新出现了一队队的车辆,不过这一次他们运输的是原油、翡翠、士兵和日益增多的旅客们。
- Its trade routes once again teem with caravans , this time carrying crude oil , jade , soldiers and , increasingly , tourists .