- 高温毫无疑问会杀死精子。
- No doubt heat kills sperm .
- 勿庸置疑,这听起来忘恩负义。
- No doubt that sounds ungrateful .
- 她的女性魅力是毋庸置疑的。
- Her femininity was never in doubt .
- 甚至连法律也让人怀疑。
- Even the law is suspect .
- 即使是个人的浴池也被判定为可疑的。
- Even private baths were judged suspect .
- 不仅仅是俄罗斯人觉得这种主张非常可疑。
- Not only russians find that proposition distinctly suspect .
- 他是一个悲惨的无神论者,无神论一族意味其不是不太相信上帝而是讨厌他这人.
- He was an embittered atheist , the sort of atheist who does not so much disbelieve in god as personally dislike him .
- 人们往往不相信这种在因特网上提供的教育服务,有时他们完全有理由这样做。
- Folks tend to disbelieve such educational services provided on the internet , and sometimes they have every reason to do so .
- 你怀疑《圣经》上的话吗?
- Do you disbelieve in the bible ?
- 未来看起来不确定、不稳定。
- This future looks uncertain and unstable .
- 未来在本质上是不确定的。
- The future is inherently uncertain .
- 不过,针对思科或其它高科技公司的诉讼将面临一个不确定的法律途径。
- Still , suits against cisco or other high-tech players face an uncertain legal path .
- 但这难以打消人们的疑虑。
- Yet the doubts will not go away .
- 但对于意大利的公共财政方面人们还心存疑虑。
- Yet doubts remain about italy 's public finances .
- 开明的人们对她同样有疑虑。
- Liberals have doubts about her , too .