- 按照如下方法检查有无臭虫侵扰:把床单抽掉,仔细检查床垫下面和床头板及其周围。
- Here 's how to check for a bedbug infestation : pull back the linens , and check all the way around and under the mattress and behind the headboard .
- 而且,在璀璨的摩天大楼背后还掩藏着一个午夜世界,充斥着廉价旅店与卖淫者,印度与俄罗斯匪徒,洗钱者,以及走私从军火、钻石到活人中任何东西的走私贩。
- And behind the glittering skyscrapers lies a late-night world of fleabag hotels and prostitutes , indian and russian mobsters , money launderers , and smugglers of everything from guns and diamonds to human beings .
- 按照如下方法检查有无臭虫侵扰:把床单抽掉,仔细检查床垫下面和床头板及其周围。
- Here 's how to check for a bedbug infestation : pull back the linens , and check all the way around and under the mattress and behind the headboard .