- 有关有价证券投资是否影响经济增长的证据比有关外国直接投资的证据更加稀少。
- The evidence on whether portfolio investment affects growth is even more sparse than the evidence on fdi .
- 首先,专家很稀少,访问他们是在浪费他们的时间。
- First , the supply of experts is sparse , and interviewing them is time-consuming .
- 车流是如此稀少,于是常常是偶尔路过的商品车运输车上的汽车比路上跑的还要多。
- So sparse is traffic that it often seems more cars are being transported on occasional lorries than are on the road itself .
- 床单上到处散落着新鲜香烟,那是游客出于崇敬扔在上面的。
- Fresh cigarettes lie scattered atop the sheets , tossed there by tourists as a sign of reverence .
- 然而,这种散射光极其微弱,因此只产生一个非常弱的信号。
- However , the scattered light is extremely weak and therefore yields a very low signal .
- 拉曼光谱的工作原理是使用一束激光照射到原子上,然后收集并分析产生的散射光的波长和密度。
- Raman spectroscopy works by shining a laser light onto a molecule and then collecting and analysing the wavelength and intensity of the resulting scattered light .
- 短睡眠者通常会很瘦并且新陈代谢很快。
- Short sleepers also tend to be thin and have faster metabolisms .
- 在镜头里,时装模特们看起来瘦得令人担忧。
- On camera , fashion models look worryingly thin .
- 难怪你会这么瘦,你吃得好少啊。
- No wonder you 're so thin , you eat so little .
- 它们的种子被一层坚硬的松脂保留在合适的位置,而野火则帮助融化这层松脂,使得松籽分散开来。
- Their seeds are held in place by a tough resin , and fire assists in melting the resin , allowing the seeds to disperse .
- 我们收到命令分散群众,或者消灭所有人,包括小孩。
- We were ordered to either disperse the crowd or eliminate everybody , including children .
- 当把分散剂喷洒在光滑的石油上时,它们会促进原油的分解,形成能广泛分散的微小球状物,能被细菌分解。
- When applied to a slick of oil they are meant to break it up into tiny droplets which disperse widely and are broken down by bacteria .
- 你有没有忽略了什么?
- Is there something you neglect ?
- 忽视现实中人的实际需求。
- Neglect of and indifference to actual people .
- 这就让他们忽略了更简单的弹性的性质。
- This tempted them to neglect the simpler quality of resilience .