- 许多老的症结依然存在。
- Many old sticking points remain .
- 但是失业率会依然处于低位。
- But unemployment will remain low .
- 但这些风险仍是未来的事。
- But these risks remain in the future .
- 是的,只要我们保持创新。
- Yes , as long as we keep innovating .
- 那些年,卡兰尼克不拿分文工资,一心只想维持企业。
- Kalanick spent those years not paying himself , desperate to keep the business afloat .
- 日本一直在尽量维持自己的全球第三大经济体地位。
- Japan has struggled to keep its standing as the world 's third-largest economy .
- 美国有两项联邦法律规定白宫有必要保存邮件记录。
- Two federal laws require the white house to preserve its records .
- 相反,欧洲似乎常常沉迷于用不得体的后卫行动,来维护其日益下滑的地位。
- Instead it often seems lost in unseemly rearguard actions to preserve a fading status .
- 只有哺乳动物会试图保护每一条生命。
- Only mammals attempt to preserve every life .