- 在两种不调和的基因及相关的能量信号混合后,羞耻、痛苦、愤怒和恐惧成为人类体验的一部份。
- Following the blending of two disharmonious genetics and related energy signatures , shame , pain , anger and fear became a part of the human experience .
- 我是否有哪些罪是处在一个滚雪球的状态中,像希律王一样,被羞辱,恐惧以及骄傲所推动。
- Am I in the middle of a snowballing process of becoming hardened regarding some sin , pushed along by shame , fear , and pride , like herod .
- 但恩尼斯踟躇了,他记得尚是孩提时,他父亲曾带他去看过一个牧场主被肢解的残骸---因为他与另一个男人生活,而被人用轮胎铁监生打死。
- But ennis , haunted by a childhood memory of his father taking him to see the mutilated body of a rancher , tortured and beaten to death with a tire iron for living with another man , is immobilized by fear and shame .