- 那球被正站在边界线内的守场员接住了。
- Eg. the ball was caught by a fielder standing just inside the boundary .
- 我认为迈克尔已经超越了年龄、性别和种族的每一条界限。
- I think michael has transcended every boundary of gender and race and age and sport .
- 贝尔斯登的出售也显示出流动性困难和破产之间的界限消失的多么快。
- Bear 's demise also shows how the boundary between illiquidity and insolvency is fast dissolving .
- 绿色接口是您值得信赖的局域网。
- The green interface is your trusted lan .
- 而这时,你就在考虑接口。
- And you 're thinking about the interface .
- 简单的用户界面和ui元素。
- Simple user interface and ui elements .
- 为了使用gui形式的安装程序,需要在你的管理控制台设置显示的环境。
- To use the gui form of the installer program , set the display environment on your administrative console .
- 图形用户界面的体验是固定的。
- Gui experiences are very anchored .
- 这一版本的图形用户界面有了许多改进。
- Many improvements were made to this version of the gui .
- 它们通常只是极其简陋的桌面操作系统,接口过分简单。
- They 're usually just bare-bones desktop operating systems with simplistic interfaces .
- 在java中,一个类可以实现任意数量的接口。
- In java , a class can implement an arbitrary number of interfaces .
- 应用程序会被网络化,并且提供人和机器都易于使用的接口。
- Applications are networked and provide interfaces for both people and other applications to use .