- 许多年轻的行销员却太容易轻信这些助手的籍口,花许多时间不停地致电却永远找不到想找的人。
- A lot of young sell well in but very easy to be credulous of these assistants book a lot of time of flower keeps on cabling but being unable to find forever .
- 纪念邮票在市场上很畅销。
- Commemorative stamps sell well in the market .
- 他们看好dsmaterial生产的陶瓷阀的销售,因为它拥有高度的耐磨性,耐热性,耐腐蚀性,气密性高,并且寿命长等优点。
- They believe the ceramic valve produced in dsmaterial will sell well because of its high wear resistance , wear resistance , heat resistance , corrosion resistance , high tightness and long lifetime .