- 或许仅凭这一点便能保证航行顺利。
- That alone could ensure smooth sailing .
- 这些镜子是无情的,像柏油一样光滑。
- These mirrors are cruel and smooth as asphalt .
- 向保湿霜中加入一滴茶树油可以保持皮肤光滑。
- Add a drop to your moisturizing cream to keep your skin smooth .
- 油脂本身是免费的。
- The oil itself is free .
- 免费广告的形式怎样?
- How does free advertising look ?
- 我很少有空闲时间。
- I rarely had free time .
- 从壳体内发出的光是畅通无阻的,但是被宇宙大爆炸拉伸成了微波。
- Light from this shell arrives unimpeded , but stretched by the cosmic expansion into microwaves .
- 上面完全避免提到南海,仅仅重申“地区和平和稳定,海上安全,畅通的贸易和通航自由的重要性”。
- It avoided mention of the sea at all , merely reaffirming " the importance of regional peace and stability , maritime security , unimpeded commerce , and freedom of navigation " .
- 但是假若无线网络信号不只是投射在几百英尺以内,而是能延长至若干英里而且不受树木、岩层、墙壁的阻碍,畅通无阻地到达建筑物里的所有角落呢?
- But what if wi-fi radio beams travelled not just a few hundred feet but stretched for several miles-and were unimpeded by trees , terrain and walls so that they could penetrate all the nooks and crannies within buildings ?
- 因此,我将称他为陈先生。
- Therefore I will call him mr. chen .
- 对于陈而言,一辆suv是不够的。
- One suv is not enough for chen .
- 陈医生在医药世家的环境中成长。
- Chen grew up surrounded by the medical profession .