- 格罗夫将氢与氧调在一起,产生电流,与电解的过程正好相反,纯水是唯一的副产品。
- Grove recombined hydrogen with oxygen the reverse of the process of electrolysis to produce electricity with only pure water as a by-product .
- metalysis公司企望直接电解粉末状的氧化物,而不将其熔化。
- The metalysis trick is to do the electrolysis on powdered oxides directly , without melting them .
- 如果我们能将从大气分离出的co2与氢(通过电解水得到)结合在一起,就能制造出人工合成的碳氢化合物燃料。
- If the co2 extracted from the atmosphere were combined with hydrogen ( extracted from water using electrolysis ) , it could make synthetic hydrocarbon fuels .
- 伴随金属离子沉淀作用的采用化学和电解系统的连续脱硝工艺过程。
- A continuous denitration process using chemical and electrolytic systems accompanying the precipitation of metal ions .
- 采用电解液双轴倾角传感器进行倾角测量。
- It adopts the electrolytic tilt sensor to measure angles of tilts .
- 下列有关电化学电池,说明何者是对的?
- Which of the following statements about voltaic and electrolytic cells is correct ?