- 变电站综合自动化系统在电力生产中发挥着重要的作用,是电网调度自动化的基础。
- The integrated substation automatization system plays a very important role in electric power production , and it 's the base of dispatch automatization in power grid .
- 公共电网中高次谐波的含量是衡量电力系统电能品质优劣的重要指标。
- The content of high harmonics in public power grids is the important indicator which measures the quality of power grid system .
- 华北电网一体化电能量计量计费系统设计和实现。
- Design and implementation of north china grid integral power telemeter and settlement system .
- 为什么奶奶不去上社会网呢?
- Why doesn 't grandma social network ?
- 首先是拖延已久的地铁交通网。
- The first is a long-delayed metro network .
- 为亚洲人准备了亚洲网络。
- Asians got the asian network .