- 用高灵敏度演示电表、U-20型对磁极式蹄形强磁铁、直导线演示电磁感应及右手定则。
- Use high-sensitivity demonstration ammeter , u-20 type strong horseshoe magnet and straight lead to demonstrate electromagnetic induction and right-hand rule .
- 他的方法与drecht有些类似,但他没有用超声波而是利用电磁感应效应来刺激植入的小型接受器,接受器再刺激心脏。
- It is similar to dr echt 's leadless pacemaker , but it uses electromagnetic induction , rather than ultrasound , to stimulate a small implanted receiver , which in turn stimulates the heart .
- 无线充电设备是基于电磁感应的思想主导着市场,一些在短距离和长距离内交换电力的可供选择的技术也在发展。
- As wireless-charging equipment based on electromagnetic induction heads towards the market , a number of alternative technologies are also being developed to transmit power over both short and long distances .