- 乙方同意按其办公室内独立的电表读数和上海市物价局规定的电费价格,支付每月的用电费用.
- Party b agrees to pay electricity fee monthly according to the electricity price regulated by shanghai pricing bureau and the readings of separate ammeter for its office .
- 大型数字显示电压表和电流表。
- Large digital display voltmeter and ammeter .
- 确保直流电流表指示升高大约5安培。
- Make sure that the dc ammeter indication increases approximately 5 amperes .
- 现行状况又该做何解释?
- So what explains the current situation ?
- 现行的医疗体系已经破产。
- The current system is broken .
- 这也是当前发生的情况。
- It is also current affairs .