- 于是联邦政府组建了农村电气化管理局,接着农村公用事业局把这些服务扩展到了美国所有偏远地区。
- Then , the federal government established the rural electrification administration and later the rural utilities service to expand these services into america 's hinterland .
- 生产率的提高是在电气化普及之后急速发展实现的;2004年以后的下降可能与经济危机的关系更大,而不是潜在的缺乏创新。
- The productivity gains after electrification came not smoothly , but in spurts ; and the drop-off since 2004 probably has more to do with the economic crisis than with underlying lack of invention .
- “曾经我引入到保时捷的关键技术之中就包括了电气化以及混合性技术,同样我认为这些技术在宾利也有着很大的潜力”他说。
- " Electrification and hybridisation were among the key technologies I introduced at porsche and I think there is potential for these technologies in bentleys too , " he said .
- 英国铁路公司计划将其50%以上的铁路网电气化。
- British rail plans to electrify over 50 per cent of its network .
- 我们的工作就是鼓舞、打气、支持.
- Our job is to inspire , support and electrify .
- 资产管理系统来促进智能电网的投资。
- Electrify smart grid investment with asset management .
- 有些房子已电气化了,但是这种房子还不多见。
- Some have been electrified , but this is not common .
- 交流电气化铁路对电视转播、差转台(站)辐射干扰的防护间距。
- Protecting distance of radio radiation interference from ac electrified railway to television relay broadcasting and transposer station .
- 电网企业产权制度改革研究。
- System of property right of company of electrified wire netting reforms research .