- 一位志愿者展示了能够在房间内驾驶的轮式机器人的电极头罩。
- A volunteer demonstrated an electrode cap with which he could drive a wheeled robot around the room .
- 该系统由放置于水中的金属钴、磷酸盐和一个电极组成。
- The system consists of cobalt metal , phosphate and an electrode that are placed in water .
- 每个贮水槽里有一个电极,分别是一个正极,一个负极。
- Each reservoir contains an electrode , one positive and one negative .
- 炸弹使之猛烈地与一所幼儿园旁的一根电线杆相撞。
- The blast forced it to slam into an electricity pole beside a pre-school .
- 用另一种方式来说,在纬度为44度的地方,任何星星,只要低于天北极44度,都可以认为它是拱极星。
- Said in another way , at a latitude of 44 degrees any star will be circumpolar if it 's less than 44 degrees from the north celestial pole .
- 结构坍塌:一根断了的帐篷支撑杆可能会毁了你的年度家庭野营。
- Structural collapse : a broken tent pole is threatening to ruin your annual family camping trip .
- 58%折扣的新问题,伊势神太阳女神滚动滚动安装。
- 58 % Off new issue of god ise scroll mounting sun goddess scroll .
- 土耳其ise全国100指数上涨了0.9%。
- The ise national 100 index ( xu100 ) rose 0.9 percent in istanbul .
- 教师把学生伊势大社,日本旅游。
- Teachers bring the students to ise jingu , japan tour .