- 但所有迹象都指向了一个最有利于贫血的经济增长的额度。
- But all the signs point to what amounts to only anemic economic growth at best .
- 从绝对数看,经济增长是指实际增加或减少的数量,一般用国内生产总值的增长量来表示;从相对数看,是指实.
- Look from sheer number , economic growth is to point to increase actually or reductive amount , the growth amount that uses gross domestic product commonly will express ; look from relative number , it is to point to solid .
- 那是自2005年以来最快的增长,但是在20世纪90年代初这个时候的商业周期年增长达到3.4%的速度(尽管有个较小的产出缺口),而80年代初达到4.5%,年增长轰鸣向前。
- That 's the fastest growth since 2005 , but at this point in the early 1990s business cycle annual growth was up ( despite a smaller output gap ) at a 3.4 % pace , and at this point in the early 1980s cycle annual growth was roaring ahead at 4.5 % .