- 全然无业,即既无土地,又无资期金,完全失去生活依据,不得不出外当兵,或出去做工,或打流当乞丐的,都是“赤贫”,占百分之二十。
- The utterly destitute , comprising 20 per cent , are the completely dispossessed , that is , people who have neither land nor money , are without any means of livelihood , and are forced to leave home and become mercenaries or hired labourers or wandering beggars .
- 伊斯特波特是美国最东端的一个沿海小镇,方式不同的生活在这里反复变换。
- In eastport , a little coastal town on the easternmost point of the united states , different means of livelihood have come and gone .
- 立钓(stiltfishing)在该地区是一种传统的谋生方法,每一个支架都是代代相传下来的珍藏品。
- Stilt fishing is a traditional means of earning a livelihood in the area and each stilt is a prized possession handed down from generation to generation
- 这整个形成了一个电路。
- This is an electronic circuit .
- 通过外部电路就可以利用这一点来导通电流。
- That can be used to drive a current through an external circuit .
- 在此之前,专利上诉由巡回上诉法院受理。
- Before that patent appeals went to circuit courts of appeal .