- 蟑螂没有脑袋可以活9天,最后是饿死的。
- A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death .
- 哼,我不给你什么姑母奶妈欺负死,就算长寿了!
- Humph . If I 'm not bullied to death by your aunt or wet nurse , I should live a long life !
- 克林顿表示,她相信朝鲜最终会改变,因为人民不能生活在压制之下,他们死于饥饿,被投入集中营,基本人权遭到剥夺。
- Clinton said she believes north korea will eventually change because people cannot live under oppressive conditions where they are starved to death , thrown into gulags , and have their basic human rights denied .