- 你来点牛肉干?
- You want some beef jerky ?
- 我觉得什锦干果啦,几个苹果啊,甚至是一些牛肉干啊都是带在背包里不错的选择。
- I thought maybe trail mix , some apples , or maybe even some jerky would be good things to put in the pack .
- 肉干食品是一个很好的能量,当露营、骑单车、滑雪、触电或你想要点心.
- Jerky is an excellent energy food when camping , biking , skiing , or anytime you want a light snack .
- 自2011年末起,来自各大港口的数据出现了震荡,使得人们更加担忧经济已经进入慢行道。
- At the end of 2011 data from big ports started to turn choppy , fuelling fears of a slowdown that has come to pass .
- 浮筒型建筑(或称巨型驳船类建筑)在三种类型中造价最低,但在波涛汹涌的海上它们比船型建筑容易受损。
- Pontoon-type structures , or giant barges , are the cheapest of the three options , but they are even more vulnerable than ships to choppy seas .
- 但是,如果最终获释,他也许会发现人们对于他英雄事迹的热议将如索马里海岸上的波涛一样汹涌。
- But , if it does end well , he may find the waters of celebrity heroism every bit as choppy as those off the somali coast .
- 身心障碍症有着崎岖坎坷的历史。
- The history of psychosomatic disorders is bumpy .
- 答案看上去是:既不会崩盘、也不会迅猛增长,而是像一条崎岖不平的道路延伸到远方。
- The prognosis is neither collapse nor boom but a bumpy road stretching well into the distance .
- 一个新的世界秩序也许正在取代旧的秩序,但其过程将是坎坷的。
- A new world order may be replacing the old - but it will be a bumpy ride .
- 小倪出生后,从没长过头发,懂事后,感到自卑。
- Small ni after birth , had long hair , sensible , feel inferior .
- 当别的女同学匆忙赶到时,小倪已经坐在教室读过几遍课文了。
- When the other girls hurried , small ni have been sitting in the classroom to read the text many times .
- 倪和她丈夫不想冒险一起外出因为担心她们返回时会发现她们仅有的财产散落在大街上。
- Ni and her husband do not dare go out together for fear they might return to find their few belongings on the street .