- 一位娇艳的少妇,手里拿一把玉坠羽扇,慢慢走过来。
- A gorgeous woman taking a jade pendant feather fan , was coming over slowly .
- 街边有供应商卖各种东西,劳力士表、t恤衫、丝巾和翡翠应有尽有。
- The street is lined with vendors selling everything from " real fake " rolex watches to t-shirts , silk scarves and jade .
- 原来的商贸路线上重新出现了一队队的车辆,不过这一次他们运输的是原油、翡翠、士兵和日益增多的旅客们。
- Its trade routes once again teem with caravans , this time carrying crude oil , jade , soldiers and , increasingly , tourists .