- 我的本能要的是复音和和谐音,而不是单薄的小提琴音,因此经常走音,常常依赖伴奏。
- My instinctive need was for polyphony , harmony , not this single thin tone of a violin , so often out of tune , always dependent on an accompanist .
- 更有甚者,好莱坞所发起并且依赖的的欢快和谐的普世主义,似乎与周围不和谐音调不一致。
- More than that , the cheery , harmonious universalism that hollywood has promoted and relied upon for so long seems out of tune with the surrounding cacophony .
- 这些令人眩晕的开支似乎与全球经济氛围不搭调。
- This giddy spending might look out of tune with the global economic mood music .