- 史莱克和菲奥娜在哪里?
- Where are shrek and fiona ?
- 格拉纳蒂诺聘请了伦敦最令人畏惧的离婚律师之一菲奥娜沙克尔顿(fionashackleton),在下周的上诉法院庭审上作为他的代理人。
- Her estranged husband nicolas granatino has hired fiona shackleton , one of london 's most-feared divorce lawyers , to represent him at the court of appeal next week .
- 饭后,菲奥娜和我拖着疲倦的身躯,参加下午最后三小时的训练。
- Afterwards , fiona and I drag ourselves to the final three hour afternoon training .
- 黑暗天使在你上空飞翔。
- Angel of darkness upon you .
- 那创业者该怎样找到他们的“天使”呢?
- How should entrepreneurs find an angel ?
- 大学应在捐赠者中寻找天使投资者来支持学生的创意。
- They should seek angel investors among their donors to back student ideas .