- 第二岛链自小笠原群岛算起,沿马里亚纳群岛和关岛一路延伸到帕劳群岛,在日本和菲律宾以东构成一条南北走向的岛链。
- The second chain of islands runs from the bonins along the marianas , guam and palau , forming a north-south line east of japan and the philippines .
- 帛琉以其令人赞叹的浮潜和潜水景点著称。
- Palau is noteworthy for its amazing and scuba diving sights .
- 帛琉是个布满珊瑚礁、湛蓝海水和原始天然美景的热带天堂。
- Palau is a tropical paradise of coral reefs , clear blue water , and untouched beauty .
- 我强烈推荐大家观看facebook首席运营长桑伯格(sherylsandberg)就女性高管为何少之又少发表演讲的视频(特别鸣谢:《slate》杂志的xxfactor博客)。
- I highly recommend watching this video by facebook chief operating officer sheryl sandberg on why we have too few women leaders . ( Hat tip : slate 's xx factor blog ) .
- 就性染色体而言,女性为xx,男性为xy。
- When it comes to sex chromosomes , women are xx and men are xy .
- xy染色体的结合会生出男孩,而xx染色体的结合会生出女孩。
- An xy combination will become a boy , while an xx combination will be a girl .