- 这名23岁的理疗专业的大学生在从新德里的电影院回家途中遭到袭击,13天后在新加坡的一家医院去世。
- The 23-year-old physiotherapy student died in a singapore hospital 13 days after being attacked as she made her way home from the cinema in new delhi .
- 现在,胡本用一根手指和轮椅上特制的触摸屏进行交流在过去三年强烈的物理疗法帮助下,他已经能动了。
- Houben now communicates with one finger and a special touchscreen on his wheelchair he has developed some movement with the help of intense physiotherapy over the last three years .
- 贝克汉姆的脚需要大约六到八周的石膏,之后他将接受“强度更大的”物理治疗。
- Beckham 's foot will be in a cast for around six to eight weeks , after which he can start " more vigorous " physiotherapy .