- 其实印度的体育迷真的没什么好抱怨的了。
- The indian sports fan should really have nothing to complain about .
- 2010暴雪嘉年华上一个星际争霸迷制作的很不错的装束。
- Awesome costume created by a starcraft fan for blizzcon 2010 .
- 从那一天起,我就成了热情的朱迪.考林斯迷。
- From that day on , I was a huge judy collins fan .
- 试着呆在任何有空调和风扇的地方。
- Try to spend time in any place with air-conditioning or fans .
- 通过向下吹风,这些风扇可以抵消引力,有效地减轻探测车的重力。
- By blowing downward these fans oppose the force of gravity , effectively lightening the vehicle .
- 去年十一月才启用的这个假账户声称要给粉丝们一扇进入mcgregor生活的窗户。
- Launched last november , the false website purported to offer fans a window into mcgregor 's life .