- 探讨氯丙嗪球后注射治疗绝对期青光眼的临床效果,以解除绝对期青光眼疼痛问题。
- Objective to evaluate the clinical effect of retrobulbar injection of chlorpromazine so as to obviate pain of the patients .
- 视力障碍,视力糊,复视,视神经炎或球后视神经炎。
- E visual disturbance , blurred or double vision , optic or retrobulbar neuritis .
- 在此病患中,眼球后的血管可以直接单独经由间接眼底镜的检查而观察到,不必透过眼底萤光或循血绿血管摄影的协助。
- In this patient , ready visibility of the retrobulbar blood vessels was made by performing ophthalmoscopy alone , without the aid of either fluorescein or indocyanine green angiography .
- 我们炮轰他们的盟友塞尔维亚。
- We bombed their ally serbia .
- 塞尔维亚最终正式获得欧盟候选成员国资格。
- Serbia finally became an official candidate for eu membership .
- 我们希望科索沃和塞尔维亚两国的实现双赢。
- We want to make serbia and kosovo twin successes .