- 小麦哲伦云的左边,明亮的白色物体,是银河系内一个球状星团,被称作杜鹃47。
- The bright white object just to the left of the smc is a globular cluster of stars in the milky way known as 47 tucana .
- 小麦哲伦云的左边,明亮的白色物体,是银河系内一个球状星团,被称作杜鹃47。
- The bright white object just to the left of the smc is a globular cluster of stars in the milky way known as 47 tucana .
- 我们将设计快速输出取样离散滑动模式控制法则,使系统轨迹能符合迫近法则。
- We will design a fos smc control law to ensure the system trajectories can satisfy with the reach law .