- 保护区将覆盖玛丽安娜岛、巴尔米拉环礁和罗斯环礁周边的珊瑚礁、岛屿和海洋。
- Reefs , islands , and the ocean around the mariana islands , palmyra atoll and rose atoll will be covered .
- 竺法在马尔代夫南部的拉姆(laamu)环礁岛上开发了一个旅游试点项目,这里的旅游业开发十分滞后。
- Ms. zulfa developed a pilot project on southern laamu atoll , an area where development is lagging .
- 最后一种你想要欣赏的云:1956年5月21日,比基尼环礁,氢弹试验爆炸。
- The last kind of cloud you want to see : bikini atoll h-bomb test explosion may 21 1956 .
- 伊帕内马海滩和山群之间的泻湖区周围、以及黎布朗周围的favelas都被情理干净了,现在那里是城镇最贵地区。
- Favelas were cleared around the lagoon between ipanema beach and the hills behind and in leblon , now the most expensive part of town .
- 最佳观赏这景色的地方是从到威尼斯来的从环礁湖出发的水上巴士从机场到达的最神奇的地方。
- The perfect place to catch this view is from a vaporetto approaching venice from the lagoon -- the most magical way to arrive from the airport .
- aldabraatoll:世界上最大的环状珊瑚岛,由东到西22英里,而且围绕着巨大的礁湖。
- Aldabra atoll : the world 's largest coral atoll that stretches about 22 miles east to west and encloses a huge tidal lagoon .
- 有孔虫生长在海洋里,它们死后与珊瑚混合,变成能够构成环状珊瑚的沉积物。
- Foraminifera grow in the ocean and when they die , mix with coral to become the sediment that forms atolls .
- 它是由印度洋中的一群环状珊瑚岛组成的岛国,它在印度的南西南方,距离斯里兰卡的西南方大约700千米。
- Maldives is an island nation consisting of a group of atolls in the indian ocean , south-southwest of india , about 700 km south-west of sri lanka .
- 无人居住的环状珊瑚岛是指出他们的椰子,木瓜种植和露和面包树。
- The uninhabited atolls are noted for their coconut and papaya plantations and for pandanus and breadfruit trees .