- 业余时间,她喜欢看书,和一只叫charlie的狗玩耍。
- And in her free time enjoys reading and playing with her dog , charlie .
- 这一次演出我们当然会期待有更热情的观众,同时这次有两支来自兵马司厂牌非常优秀的乐队和我们一起演出,之前和他们也有过愉快的交流。
- With the upcoming show , we 're anticipating that we 'll have an even stronger reaction from the crowd . And there will also be two great maybe mars bands playing with us [ birdstriking and mr. graceless ] , bands we 've had a great time hanging out with before .
- 当玩游戏的时候或是和朋友在一起玩的时候,你不能安静的坐下来呆很久的时间。
- Inability to sit still for prolonged periods of time while playing games or spending time with friends .