- 人类是从类人猿进化而来的。
- Man has evolved from the ape .
- 但是,以类人猿饮食中的植物部分作为人类膳食结构的理想模式,还是有不小的局限性。
- However , there are important limitations to using the plant content of great ape diets as a model for ideal human diets .
- 科学家认为这很有可能是历史上多次发生了少量猴类或类人猿血进入人类血管的事件,比如猎人在打猎时割伤了他们自己。
- It is very likely , scientists said , that a little infected monkey or ape blood got into human veins many times in history as hunters cut themselves while butchering carcasses .