- 11月份的峰会草拟了一份协作支持全球经济增长、对抗金融危机的宏伟计划,承认某些朦胧的希望是错误的,即世界经济的相当大部分将与衰退“脱钩”。
- The november meeting sketched out a grand plan to co-operate in supporting global growth and combating the financial crisis recognising the falsity of vague hopes that big parts of the world economy would be " decoupled " from the slowdown .
- 尽管奥巴马开始向加强财政纪律努力,但他的2012财年(从10月份开始)预算提案,并不是一项应对严峻的美国长期债务前景的全面规划。
- Despite mr obama 's pivot towards greater fiscal rectitude , his proposals for the 2012 fiscal year , which begins in october , fall short of a grand plan to tackle the grim long-term us debt outlook .
- 很多时候完全属于机缘巧合,没有任何远大的计划,没有任何职业规划。
- So often it is pure serendipity there is no grand plan , no career map .