- 给出报价或一个保证。
- Make an offer or a guarantee .
- 对这些人您有什么建议吗?
- What suggestions can you offer for these people ?
- 低收益率让美元得不到支持。
- Low yields offer little support to the dollar .
- 谨此献给柯区我爱和爱我的人.
- Solemnly here dedicate to ke district I love and love my person .
- 并把它们奉献给给予的神,这样他才能用他们来改变世界。
- And dedicate them to the giver so he can use them to change the world .
- 比赛进行之前,参赛双方首先要决定将把球奉献给哪位死者。
- Prior to the game , each side chooses to whom they will dedicate the ball .
- 我做了件礼物给您。
- I made a present for you .
- 听起来像一件不错的结婚礼物。
- Sounds like a nice wedding present .
- 目前该行员工数量为3000人。
- Its present headcount is 3000 .
- 然后,我就想把余生奉献给公众服务。
- Then I wanted to devote the rest of my life to public service .
- 我曾经问他:“为什么会将一生奉献给这个可怕的主题?”
- I once asked him , " why devote your life to this gruesome topic ? "
- 大众的绝大多人必须认识到他们公民的身份并且已经准备好奉献出注意力,时间和努力来参与政府管理的进程。
- The majority of the population must feel they are citizens and be ready to devote attention , time and effort to participating in the process of government .
- 给出报价或一个保证。
- Make an offer or a guarantee .
- 对这些人您有什么建议吗?
- What suggestions can you offer for these people ?
- 低收益率让美元得不到支持。
- Low yields offer little support to the dollar .