- 男人们似乎并不喜欢带性别成见的猥亵的方法。
- Men don 't seem to appreciate the lewd come-ons suggested by gender stereotypes .
- 自从牙买加广播协会决定屏蔽一切有关色情和暴力的内容之后,一些舞厅艺人写的威胁将杀死同性恋者的歌词不再那么常见了。
- Lyrics threatening death to gays by popular dance-hall artists have become much less common since the broadcasting commission of jamaica , a regulator , decided in february to block all " lewd " and violent content .
- 在哥伦比亚保护美国总统的美国特工接受色情服务。
- Us secret service agents in colombia to protect the american president engage in lewd behavior .